Fantasy Romance and Scifi Author

My name is Courtney and I've been writing stories since before I could spell a single word correctly. I grew up on an ostrich farm and spent my entire childhood dreaming and adventuring outdoors, a lifestyle that helped foster my creativity. No cable. No neighbors. Just a lot of land, animals, and time to create. After attending a performing arts school, I moved on to study fashion/costume design. For 10 years I've owned my own costuming business, but now I've decided to pursue my truest passion. Writing.
I finished my first, full-length novel at 160,000 words when I was 17 years old as a way to cope with a series of intense nightmares I was having at the time. After using my nightmares to inspire a high fantasy adventure story, I found myself aching to write more. I've since lost that entire novel to multiple old computers and crashed hard drives. Despite being poorly written, it did get me to this point!
After losing my first novel, I wrote over 15 other, full-length books from YA fantasy to sci-fi before finally self-publishing. By then, I'd moved on to my most recent endeavor, paranormal romance.
Getting published has always been a dream of mine, but in recent years I've realized my real goal is just to get my stories out there for people to read, which is why I made the choice to self-publish. I enjoy writing more than any other creative outlet in my life, but I more or less kept is quiet before I published my first novel. It was a big step for me! I hope anyone who stumbles across my little corner enjoys what they see :)

Yup...I cosplayed from Ruby Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarian series...

Speaking at a convention about video games!

At the chocolate festival with my other half.

I got this tattoo based on my book,"Ash Bringer." I plan to get a tattoo for all of my books, whether or not I publish them, because they've all been a huge part of my life and were with me from the hardest times to the best times <3

Taking a walk down the runway with the hair designer after my fashion show!

Decided when I turned 30 that I needed to get my health and fitness in order. The journey has taught me a lot and I am happier for it. Without this personal journey, I may not have found the motivation to publish my books.

Big fan of Game of Thrones. Made these costumes for myself and my boyfriend following the final season.

Designed a line based on post apocalyptic looks. It was inspired by another novel I am currently working on. We visited some really interesting abandoned places for these photos.

Got to have dinner with Manu Bennet after an event.

Did my first prosthetic for my Pennywise costume after the first movie came out. I always try to do new things!

I designed this costume off of a character from Erin Morgenstern's "The Night Circus."

Traveled north to shoot one of my costumes in 3 feet of snow! It was such a wonderful time.